Month: August 2016

Added book to the K-2 Engineering Standards

Just added this previous Featured Book to the K-2 engineering standards: 

Featured Book: “Rhoda’s Rock Hunt”

Rhoda’s love for rocks tapped into my own childhood memories of searching for rocks around my yard, within “the dirts”–our neighborhood bike escape, along the adventures I would take with my dad, and the special bag of polish rocks that my mom would delight… Continue Reading “Featured Book: “Rhoda’s Rock Hunt””

Featured Book: “Who’s Who in My Family?”

The focus of this story is to learn the components of a family tree and who’s in your extended family. The setting is in a classroom, with various well-known animal characters creating and then sharing about their diverse families–incorporating families with stepparents, step-siblings, and… Continue Reading “Featured Book: “Who’s Who in My Family?””