Category: Design


Parents and students had a wonderful time problem solving and designing together at our NOV8…INNOVATE event! 😀 The use of the character cards, and open design challenge cards were perfect for our time frame and goal. If you want to read more about the… Continue Reading “NOV8…INNOVATE…Success!”

NOV8…INNOVATE: Character and Design Cards

Yesterday I shared my NOV8…INNOVATE family events ideas. Well, after some think time, and some discussion with my amazing colleagues, I have decided on using character and design cards (which is sort of a combination of my ideas): Please click HERE to access the… Continue Reading “NOV8…INNOVATE: Character and Design Cards”

Thinking of Flexible Seating? Read: “If I Built a Car”

Point of view, imagination, design, poetry…which one do I pick? This book has so many different objective connections, on top of being so colorfully illustrated. Why did I select it from the library? Well, its the start of the year and I am thinking… Continue Reading “Thinking of Flexible Seating? Read: “If I Built a Car””

Tuesday Morning Reads for May 1, 2018

Idea Jar by Adam Lehrhaupt. Illustrations by Deb Pilutti: Ok, so this book isn’t a science story. Nope, not at all…at first glance. It is a story about ideas for a story, a narrative, however, it reminded me of the time I taught 5th… Continue Reading “Tuesday Morning Reads for May 1, 2018”

Snowflake Design Challenge: The Results Are In

A few weeks ago, I posted my latest bulletin board: Snowflake Design Challenge. It may be difficult to see, but to the left of the board, I placed star stickers and had people use the stars to select which snowflake lasted 3.12 seconds in… Continue Reading “Snowflake Design Challenge: The Results Are In”